Find a Reiki Practitioner

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It may seem that there are so many healers, spiritual readers, guides, and coaches out there that it may seem overwhelming on who to pick and what modality.

How do you even decipher amongst all who are offering services?

Here is a quick guide to help you choose the right person who fits just for you!

  1. What do you need help with?

As someone who provides services such as coaching, spiritual reading, and healings I would say the number one thing you should think about before you begin your search is what is it that you are needing help with?

Now, I’m not saying that you need to have it all figured out as a sincere professional will be able to guide you to the best service for you based on your needs. However, for me personally I am not a pushy sales person and believe that it is the choice of the client which service they would like to use.

Other people may not be like me and if you walk into their facility with no idea they may persuade you to their most expensive service instead of the service best suited to you.

So, I hear you ask how do I know what I need help with? I will use the services that I provide as a base for some thoughts you may ponder before hand. Ask yourself some questions like the following;

Is it physical or mental issues I need help with?

Do I know where I am heading or am I looking for guidance?

Am I at a loss after the passing of a loved one?

Do I find myself repeating patterns in my life with no understanding?

Do I want a quick fix or do I need longer term guidance?

Contacting someone with some basic information suggested here will allow you and the healer help guide you to the right way forward.

  1. Word of mouth

I think this is the most important way to find someone to help you on your journey whatever it may be. Start by asking your friends and family if they have visited anyone locally that they could recommend. Also, ask for the different types of services your friends and family have received. Do you know anyone who had a tarot reading, mediumship reading, reiki healing, or past life healing, do you know anyone who has worked with a coach? Get some first-hand stories and experiences of local business. What appeals to you from those insights?

  1. Google

Most people when they are looking for any type of service today will use google search. Look to see what their online presence is. Do they have reviews from other clients? What type of social media do they use to showcase their services? Is it easy or hard to find them? Why or why not?

Now, obviously not everyone does use social media as a way to showcase their services! A side note, I want you to know is that I am not saying that if someone does not show up on google search they should not be considered! Remember, each individual is different and there are many ways to run a business. Just think about how you can research the service they provide.

Whenever, we choose to purchase a service form a practitioner always be diligent in finding out about who they are and most importantly what others have to say about their service.

  1. What are your beliefs?

Now, you may think this a bit odd at first however, I think this is a very important area to think about when searching a practitioner to help you. What are your core beliefs? What do you think is important and what is not?

If, for example, your connection to the earth is important you may search someone who uses crystals and herbs in their healing. Or, you may search someone who can channel spirit if you have a strong belief in the afterlife and guides. You may be more scientific and search someone who does a thermal scan before and after the healing so you can see the change.

When you have a clear idea on what is important to you it allows you to pick a healer who is alignment to you!

  1. Connection!

Before making any commitment to a healing journey with anyone go and meet them or connect on the phone. Most people know when they meet someone whether they have a connection with them or not.

What is their space like? Is it clean and inviting? How do they present themselves? Are they clean, informal, or formal? How do they seem? Are they happy, helpful, angry, too busy to talk, sick? How do you feel when you walk into their space?

This is where you really go with your gut feeling and first impressions. If you do not feel comfortable then by no means should you pursue the practitioner. Most practitioners will offer some kind of consultation or should be willing to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

Using these five basic things should help you pick the right practitioner who can help you on your healing journey. Want to find out more about my Spiritual Healing? If your soul is calling please message me and let’s see if we are connected!

Do you trust that your guides have brought you here and now? 

Stay a while and explore how Sarah Tricker Alchemy can be of service to you through either learning or one on one guidance.

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