Spirit Guides
There is always a lot of talk about Spirit Guides and also a lot of misconceptions too.
As a medium I have been taught about Spirit Guides and also shown my Spirit Guide. The beauty of having my gift is that I also learn each time I channel for others. It truly becomes pieces of a larger picture that increasingly becomes clearer and clearer the longer I do this work.
The information I am sharing here is from the teachings I have received and from messages I have channeled. You may have heard or experienced different information. I personally do not believe that anyone is right or wrong. Every one’s experience builds together to form a complete picture. I only receive messages based around my life experience as do others.
There are some misconceptions around Spirit Guides and I believe the biggest one is that your Spirit Guide is a loved one who has passed over.
Your Spirit Guide is determined before you come to the Earth Plane. The path you have chosen to lead is decided by you. Your Spirit Guides primary action is to do just that, guide you on your chosen path.
So, you know those big gut feelings you get that something is wrong, or you need to change, that is your Spirit Guide helping you get back on path.
Does that mean you were wrong about your Grandma guiding you in your life? Absolutely not!
One of the primary messages I receive from spirit when channeling peoples loved ones is to let them know they are close. Of course, your family are there to guide you, reassure you, let you know they are still with you!
We have soul contracts with many people in our lives here on the Earth Plane. Those contracts, especially with family, are very hard to break.
Although, some soul contracts are sometimes painful to teach us lessons, the ones with our loved ones are also a way to keep us connected even after death.
Another question often asked is do we have only one Spirit Guide?
We have our primary Spirit Guide as discussed earlier. It is also possible that we will receive other guides as we go through our life entering different stages.
These guides may be more fluid and come and go as needed by you. For example, if you become a healer you may receive a Doctor who will use you as a channel. When learning you may have a guide that allows you to access knowledge from a previous life you lived.
You may also receive different animal guides as you transition through your life. I do not have much experience around animals however, I do know if you see animals in unusual places to know they bring a message to you.
So, know that you have always had a Spirit Guide with you from birth, even if you don’t know who they are or see them.
I hope you are not too disappointed that your Spirit Guide is not your Grandma or other family member nonetheless, know that your loved ones are always looking over you ~ they are your angels in heaven!
Do you trust that your guides have brought you here and now?
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