High Priestess Descry
This is not the time to be afraid. Your guides have brought you here in this moment in time for a reason ~ TRUST!
You may have been led to believe that these things aren't real and yet how can your world really feel like this?

The magical ability of the High Priestess comes from many years of study and practice. A true feminine power that is amerced in the subconscious energy force. Maiden, Mother, and Crone ~ her wisdom is available to guide through the passages of life.

High Priestess, Sarah, is to help those who are experiencing things outside of their realm of knowledge when it comes to spiritual manifestations.
Connect personally with High Priestess Sarah Tricker to;
- Create protection and defense magic
- Guidance with uncontrolled astral travel
- Discover if curse or hex is placed upon you
- Removal of attachment of an entity to a person
- Release a haunting spirit either in a home or from an object
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
With the High Priestess Services you can stop living in fear and take back control of your life!
Areas in which we can support you.....
- Ceremonies and Rituals
- Protections and clearings
- Honouring rites of passage
- Disentangling threads of the past
In your appointment there will be a period of discussion and introspection to find where the work needs to be done. You can expect to see the use of the Tarot or Mediumship. At times more work such as the Akashik records may be sourced.
Sarah will prepare any spells that may need to be cast for you. There is much strength in doing the work yourself. Your package will include all of the ingredients that you will require plus detailed instructions. Sarah will never cast on behalf of another person as she believes in the power of three, what you put out comes back to you threefold. You are given responsibility for the casting as only you have full disclosure of the situation that you are in.
NOTE: There may be additional cost for further work or guidance if the first session does not resolve the situation. You must understand that spell casting does not always create instant results and there is an element of patience involved. Your results will also vary depending on the issue being worked upon.
It is time to accept the spiritual guidance that you know that you cannot undertake yourself!
High Priestess Descry
This invitation if you choose to accept.....
Accept the true feminine power of magic amerced in the subconscious encompassing; rituals, rites of passage, while disentangling threads of the past!
Coming Together!
High Priestess Locrina (Sarah Tricker) has the ability to use her gift as a medium along with her wealth of magical knowledge to help you find a solution to the problems you are currently facing.
Sarah’s biggest gift is her ability to see into the unseen and help others disentangle the threads that have weaved them to the point they are in now.
When you discover the background of Sarah you will indeed see how she can bring many facets to your service and help you in ways perhaps you have never been helped before.
The gift she has, has been in her family for generations and passed down the familial side of her family. Sarah gained her Arts and Science and Education degree at the University of Lethbridge with a well-rounded study in areas of psychology, sociology, history, and Native studies. Sarah is also an experienced Tarot reader, Medium, Spirit Baby Communicator, Reiki Master, Birth Worker as well as a third degree High Priestess.
It is not just her family gift and education which will help you find the answers you are seeking it’s also written in the stars! With her zodiac sign being a Scorpio her emotions run deep. Sarah will give you all that she has and always wishes to help others seek the answers they need.
There is a catch to all aspects of her being which is that you have to be ready to do the work for yourself. With the positive aspects of her archetypes being the guide, student, pioneer, visionary, and alchemist Sarah is more than willing to give you the tools that you need to succeed. But will not hold the responsibility for those who are looking for a free ride or the one fix pill. If you are truly ready to do what you need too to make changes you are in the right place!
What’s included in our Rites of Passage Services…..

Blessingway Ritual
A sacred ritual to bestow a pregnant womban on her journey from maiden into motherhood. Surrounded by the womban in her life from; her own mother, grandmother, sisters, aunties, cousins, and friends. A special gathering to create feelings of empowerment, happiness, serenity, and love as she prepares for the birth of her child.

Naming Rituals
Are you looking for a unique celebration to honour your child’s name? Invite your family and friends to this Naming Ceremony to welcome your child into its life on the Earth Plane.

First Moon Ritual
The moment where a young girl crosses the threshold into wombanhood is on her first menses. This is a time for the womban in her life to gather and cradle her. Share gifts and stories of the sacredness of being a womban.

Handfasting Ritual
You want the special recognition of your union. This handfasting Ritual will bind your souls together with the attendance of friends and family to join your commitment together.

Handparting Ritual
The dream you envisioned was not the reality that you experienced after handfasting. Join your family and friends in this handparting ritual to give thanks for the lessons learnt and sever the union.

Passing Over Ritual
A loved one has crossed into Summerland and you, your family, and friends wish to see their passing safely. This is also a celebration of all they brought to everyone’s life.
Contact Form
Please submit your message here to discuss Rites of Passage services with High Priestess Sarah.
We trust the universe has brought us together and are delighted to connect with you.
The upmost care and attention will be brought to answering your message within a timely manner.

This is for you if…
- Your life path is not traditional
- You are in an important transition in your life
- You want to provide a safe passage of passing for a loved one
- You are in search of spiritual help that no other can provide
I’m Sarah Tricker
What has led me on this path? It took much courage to fully step into becoming a High Priestess and creating the Locrina Coven. There is great responsibility that comes with this title. Although, my family are from a long line of the cunning folk, there have not been generations of knowledge passed down. Much of the teachings were destroyed with the spread of Christianity throughout England.
The path back into my family gift really began when I went to university. The courses I was taking sparked a yearning for knowledge at a deeper level than before. My interest has always been in the esoteric. Once I started there was no going back.
Everything I do as a healer I have learnt intensely over the last eight years. The knowledge gained has not only been through books and experience, also downloads. I discovered through personal past life regressions that I have been a High Priestess before, as well as a Witch. This knowledge was deep within my soul. Part of my journey was reactivating these parts of me.
When you come to me for any of the High Priestess services know that you are in very safe hands. I am a light worker which actually means I work in the shadow. Trust that everything you are experiencing has a greater purpose in your life. As a spiritual life coach, alternative holistic healer, and High Priestess I will guide you in your healing journey. This will include the tools to free yourself of any situation, as well as, the guidance of protecting yourself moving forward.