Lunar Temple
The power of Grandmother Moon has been revered for centuries! She is calling you to her wisdom!
There is an ancient wisdom that lies deep within her. The lure is not just the tides of the earth, she also draws the earth beings like you.

Womban’s cycles have aligned with the Moon for as long as time. Our power of intuition is connected to the phases of the Moon. When womban come, together with Grandmother Moon, their power is resilient!

The tides of the Moon have brought you to the Lunar Temple, to reconnect with the wisdom and intuition that already lies deep within you!
Join High Priestess Sarah Tricker within the Lunar temple to;
- Learn the power of Grandmother Moon
- Set intentions with the guidance of lunar cycles
- Trust the ebbs and flows of life using lunar cycles
- Connect with likeminded souls within our community
- Be guided with love, from High Priestess and the Locrina Coven
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
Aligning with the lunar cycles, you can take back control of your life!
I'M READY!Areas in which we can support you.....
Following Lunar Cycles
Honouring your journey
Discovering your intuition
Nurturing community rituals
Join the Locrina Coven members in their Lunar Temple! Grandmother Moon is often the place in which womban begin their sacred journey. We have been disconnected from our sacred cycles in the Western World. No matter the stage of life you are in; Maiden, Mother, Matriarch, or Crone, there is great wisdom already weaved deep within you. You have answered the calling to bring her back to your journey.
Lunar Temple
This invitation if you choose to accept….
Connect with the deep feminine wisdom of grandmother Moon. Through lunar rituals: honour the lunar cycle, embracing her lessons, & weave her wisdom throughout your life!
Creating Unity!
It is time to come back to our innate wisdom! There is a deep knowing that is weaved throughout the DNA of womban that is connected to Grandmother Moon. If womban were to step back into this deep knowing we would nurture ourselves, our families, and the world with a different heart. The gift of the womb and our bleed is sacred. Come together and reconnect with the knowing that lies hidden within you.
What’s included in our
Lunar Temple…..

Virtual Meet-Ups
All lunar rituals are held online through Sarah Tricker Alchemy’s Website & App! Enroll in our exclusive monthly membership and join our live sessions. No matter what the weather, or where you are in our world, join from the comfort of your own home! With the ability to meet from your computer, tablet, or mobile device!Â

New Moon
The New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle. The ritual will be crafted with this specific energy in mind. Learn about the astrological placements that will affect you. Participate in a ritual as a collective to embrace setting your intention for this lunar cycle.

Full Moon
The Full Moon shines the light into your world. Reflecting on your intention set in the New Moon, what has come to light? Taking into consideration the astrological placements, stay on track, or shift your path. Weaved in ritual as a collective finishing this lunar cycle with clarity.

Imagine having the support of a whole community in your intention for the lunar cycle! Join the challenges to solidify your intention. Community members will give you a helping hand to stay on track, and when needed offer solutions!

It can be hard to find your tribe without judgement! Here, join likeminded womban who are coming together to discover their wisdom and intuition, wrapped by Grandmother Moon. In this safe community, you are free to express yourself, as we enrich each other’s lives.

Magical Tips
Whether you are new to flowing with the cycles of the Moon, or an experienced follower, here you will find magical tips. Intended to guide you in our Rituals that we join as a community, from Tarot to candle magic always feel included!

This is for you if…
- Your life path is not traditional
- You are in an important transition in your life!
- You want to reconnect with your rites of passage!
- You are in search of a community who will accept you as you!
I’m Sarah Tricker
When looking back on my journey into maiden there was no connection to the Moon. As my moon cycles began there was a great disconnect. Eventually encouraged to go onto birth control, the numbing continued.
The rite into motherhood was at a young age. I had two young children at the turning of becoming twenty one. The year you are handed the key of life. The lessons were painful as I went on to experience two baby losses, one of which almost took my life. By the age of twenty four I had decided to cease my journey of further heartache by tying my tubes. This allowed my cycles to be free and I discovered I flowed with the Moon.
For many years I brought into the modern feminist beliefs that I should do it all; be a mother, perfect housewife, and career orientated. This led me from my teaching career into becoming and entrepreneur. The strain of doing it all took its toll, until the universe got its way, and I was forced to close my storefront.
The journey had begun in 2019 of the Locrina Coven. We have been through some ebbs and flows and have landed here today. The Lunar Temple has been created to embrace womban into this sacred rite of passage. To learn the lunar mysteries and all the power she hold for us. Sometimes she asks for us to be still, and other times to take action. Through the Lunar Temple you can learn how to listen and trust her wisdom.
Personally, I am transitioning into Matriarch. As I enter this new phase in life, I lean into the wisdom of the Moon. For she is here to guide us through all stages with love and reverence! Join us and lean in to your own intuition and wisdom.